Self-Care During Finals

Finals seasoning is approaching, and I know how stressful of a time this can be. Lots of exams, projects, and papers, and even the anticipation of all these things is enough to add stress and anxiety. Below are some tips to help you out during high-stress times.

Be Organized

This time is already stressful enough, the last thing you need to be doing is expending energy on figuring out what you need to be doing. While I love having digital lists because I can find them anywhere, tread lightly, because you want to avoid the “doom scroll.” While doom scrolling is often associated with news stories, it can also feel that way when you have a long list of things to get done. A handwritten list allows you to see what you need to get done and have the satisfaction of checking it off.

DND is your BFF

When you have a lot of homework, studying, and tasks to get done there is nothing wrong with putting your phone on do not disturb to keep you focused. Sometimes we have to shut out the outside world.

Schedule Down Time

Yes, you have work to get done, places to be, and things to do but make sure you take care of yourself. You will be no help if you’re so spent you can’t concentrate or get things done. Maybe do a face mask, yoga class, or whatever nourishes your soul.


Avoid pulling all-nighters! We often sacrifice our sleep first when we’re overwhelmed and busy but without sleep, it’s harder to remember what you’re studying. You also don’t want to compromise your health making finals season even tougher.

Give Yourself Grace

The advice we ALL need to hear, shout out to my “coach mom” who always said this to me. Like Hannah Montana said, “Everybody makes mistakes everybody has those days.” We are only human after all and we’re all learning how to do this thing called life.

The marathon continues…


While this technically marks the end of my blog posts required for my coursework, I plan to continue posting and sharing with you all! I am excited to expand my conversation into all things related to black women and their success in life. Thank you for your support over these last 12 weeks and as I end my first year of graduate school I cannot be more grateful for how this blog has allowed me to grow as a writer, creator, and college student.

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